Hi Fan Girls! Callie and Jayme here, the founders and daily hustling duo of Fan Girl. We are two local Minnesota girls who have been friends since the second grade. Over the years, we both followed an endless number opportunities. While some were just ok and some were great, we always knew we wanted to create something of our own. It was only a matter of time until our entrepreneurial spirits fell upon the idea we really thought we could make a reality.

Early in 2017, we started meeting weekly for coffee to brainstorm potential business ideas. We had a few thoughts for potential small businesses.. some crazier than others (we ACTUALLY almost bought a peddle pub off the internet..haha) but nothing we were passionate enough about to bring to life. It wasn’t until our beloved Minnesota Vikings made a run for the Super Bowl that we stumbled across the perfect idea.

After a day of shopping for the perfect game day outfit we realized . . . women don’t have ANY trendy options for sports apparel! We found nothing that was current, understated, flattering, and versatile enough to wear to a football game or really anywhere else for that matter. We realized that these women's options were clearly made for women by men... and we just weren't into the terrible fits, bedazzled logos, and PINK JERSEYS! So just because we're women our sports apparel has to be pink and sparkly?! No, thanks. We had seen enough... and from this shopping trip for Vikings swag Fan Girl was born.

The journey to what Fan Girl is today was less than glamorous. We didn’t have unlimited funds to start a business, we didn’t know anything about creating apparel, and we both had (and continue to have) full-time jobs. Our first Fan Girl item was made with a Target t-shirt and an old iron in the living room. We quickly upgraded our space … to the garage . . . and continued to build the foundation of Fan Girl. We dedicated our time to learning anything and everything there is to know about creating quality clothing. From materials to design to screen printing, we started from square one and slowly but surely built Fan Girl into a lifestyle brand for all of Minnesota’s sports loving women.

A little over two years since the launch of Fan Girl a lot has changed, yet many things remain the same. We have built a following of amazing women on social media...you all are seriously THE BEST, a successful ecommerce website, and have brought to life the understated and comfortable sports apparel that we realized was missing that day at the mall.

That being said, we are still learning new things everyday! As co-owners, we continue to tackle all of Fan Girl’s daily tasks from creating new products to shipping orders to marketing. The hustle, and sometimes the struggle is real - but we wouldn’t have it any other way! Fan Girl is more than just the clothing, it is a community of women making their passion and presence known in the world of sports.

We started this journey as best friends that supported each other in whatever the other was pursuing in their life. Our goal is for our brand to emulate that women supporting women mentality that we can always use more of in this world! We strive to encourage our Fan Girls to take steps towards the life and dreams they want and emphasize that although a lot of hard work and hard days are ahead in pursuing a dream, it will all be worth it in the end!

Thank you all for reading out first blog. Starting this has only been on the to-do list for about.. 2 years. Look for some fun events and blogs coming up with a full season of Twins baseball right around the corner!
Jayme & Callie
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